Banrot® 8G
Banrot® 8G is a very popular combination of Etridiazole and Thiophanate Methyl. Etridiazole controls Pythium and Phytophthora, and Thiophanate Methyl controls many other root and crown rotting diseases. Banrot is an excellent choice both at the beginning of a crop cycle when transplants benefit from the protective properties of the etridiazole & Thiophanate methyl active ingredients, and later for curative and preventative treatments. Banrot 8G is applied through soil incorporation or as a broadcast/side dress application for root diseases of bedding plants, foliage plants, interiorscapes, landscapes and container and bed grown herbaceous and woody ornamentals.
- Active Ingredient: Etridiazole and Thiophanate-Methyl
- Chemical Class: Thiophanate + Thiadiazole (MOA: 1+ 14)
- REI: 12 hours
- Signal Word: Caution
- Method: Soil Incorporation, Broadcast Application or Side Dress
- Diseases Controlled: Fusarium, Phytophthora, Pythium, Rhizoctonia, Thielaviopsis
- Rate: 8-16 oz/cu. yd. (Soil Incorporation), 8-12 lb/ 1000 sq. ft. (Broadcast Application), 6 oz/100 linear ft. (Side Dress) (See label for complete rate information.)
This item will only be sold in IL, IN, IA, MI, MN, ND, SD and WI if it is registered. Always read the product label prior to use.