Product Type
Subdue Maxx®
Subdue Maxx® fungicide provides systemic protection against Pythium blight, Pythium damping-off and yellow tuft (downy mildew). Its efficacy and long residual of up to 21 days make Subdue Maxx an excellent choice as part of an agronomic disease management program. Subdue Maxx® is labeled for foliage plants, flowers, azaleas and woody ornamentals.
- Active Ingredient: Mefenoxam
- Chemical Class: Acylamines (MOA: 4)
- REI: 48 hours unless product is incorporated into the soil media
- Signal Word: Caution
- Method: Drench, Foliar Spray, Soil Surface Spray and Chemigation
- Diseases Controlled: Damping Off, Root and Stem Rot diseases caused by Phytophthora and Pythium
- Rate: .13-1 oz/100 gal (Drench Spray), 1-2.5 oz/100 gal (Soil Surface), .5-1 oz/1000 sq ft (Turf) (See label for complete rate information.)
This item will only be sold in IL, IN, IA, MI, MN, ND, SD and WI if it is registered. Always read the product label prior to use.